Save the rainforest
by Benji Raymond

As I often do while driving the humble Red Stallion, I had a bit of a chuckle on my 20 minute journey into uni the other day. I was delayed by one of those nice traffic lights which seem to have a permenant red light and while I was singing incorrect lyrics to the words on the radio, I noticed a bumber sticker on the car in front. The bumper sticker read, "Save the Forests". Oh, how nice, I thought to myself. We surely need more of these people in the world. Then, after a moment of daydreaming about a possible future holiday to the Amazon, my eyes became misted and the bumper sticker faded from view. The traffic light was still of course red, so I assumed that my daydreaming was the cause of the fading in and out of reality. But I assumed incorrectly. The exhaust fumes coming out of the car of this nice lady were enough to kill the forests themselves.
A Long December
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